Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break 2011!

So, the reason it had been so long since my last post is a really good one. WE WERE ON SPRING BREAK!!!

Last Tuesday morning, we all hopped on a little puddle jumper plane to the main tourist destination of Turks and Caicos...Providenciales aka PROVO!!!

We settled into our hotels and went out to survey locals and tourists about their opinions on eco-friendly tourism and how important they thought it was to keep the TCI waters as pristine and beautiful as they are now. It was interesting talking with the locals because, although they know thier livelihood (making money from the tourists) depends on saving the reefs and beaches, they admit to be very hesitant in creating new laws to protect them. Most locals knew about the new recycling program which started in Provo last fall, but didn't know where or how to recycle.

After the interviews, we toured an all-inclusive resort (which was AMAZING) so that we could ask about their energy/water use. The enitre island depends on de-salinization plants for their water and the only source of electricity in TCI is the monoploy diesle-fuled power company. It seems like there are small changes being made to some of the resorts to push a more "green" image but nothing major is happening as of now.

Here is a map of Turks and Caicos so that you will better understand my spring break travels...

On Wednesday we took a ferry to North Caicos to visit an old slave cotton plantation and the DECR (department of environmental and coastal resources) nursery. The plantation still had all of the original walls built by slaves 200+ years ago! It was a really beautiful tour but we went through it pretty quick because we were being EATEN ALIVE by mosquitos.

The nursery was also interesting...well, to us at least. But then again we are a bunch of nerds when it comes to anything field-studies-related...especially since all of the plants were labeled with their scientific names. Oooooooo!
After all 40 of us took a plane and a boat together, it was time for us all to travel on land together by packing in a big school bus to drive to Middle Caicos. It was only about an hour away from to plantation and we stopped for lunch at what I think was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I think I said that in an earlier post, but this country just keeps one-upping itself!

We went body surfing and played on the rock formations before we had to (grudgingly) leave. But don't feel too bad because we were only leaving so that we could go spelunking!!!! There are some awesome sea caves in Middle Caicos and we learned all about different cave formations and bat species from our encyclopedia-of-a-tourguide. p.s. for anyone who watches Malcom in the Middle he reminded me *exactly* of Craig...that big guy who is in love with Lois : )
As our two jam-packed days of school-field-trip drew to a close we fell asleep in our beds dreaming of what our next 5 days of fun would have in store...but it is getting late and it will have to wait until the next post!
Much love from the big south!!!

1 comment:

  1. We at the the Turks & Caicos Tourist Board are happy that you and your family enjoyed vacationing with us. Hope to see you all again in the near future
