Friday, March 11, 2011

Another week in paradise

After finishing exams on Monday, there was definitely a more relaxed atmosphere at the center. No more late night cramming and study sessions made for some very happy students... : )

On Tuesday night we watched "The Cove" outside on a projection screen. We usually have movie night on Tuesday but this one was especially for our Marine Resource Management class. If you haven;t heard about "The Cove" you should really look it up or see the film! It is a horribly sad and terrifying documentary about killing dolphins in Japan. By the end, half of us were in tears and ALL of us were covered in bug bites. The mosquito's get really bad here at night...One day last week I was getting so fed up with all my bites (and so bored of studying) that i decided to circle them. I had OVER THIRTY. I was covered in circles for the next two days.

ANYway the next day, Wednesday, turned out to be quite eventful after a lazy Tuesday. After teaching our first grade class, we went to a place called "Coast Guard" for our snorkel sesh...It was low tide and there was a big sandbar in the middle of the bay which we swam to and took some awesome jumping pics!

We left Coast guard in two cars, one truck (driving ahead) and one big van (behind). Let me tell you right now that it was a mistake to choose the van...First of all I will just say that Coastguard is one of the farthest places you can drive to on the island and there are basically no paved roads outside of town.

We had driven for about 3 minutes when thump thump thummmmp...
we found ourselves with a flat tire. Having no phone or radio, and with the truck speeding away around corners and out of sight, we were stuck. We decided to walk to the High Point Hotel (note the sad faces as it was very far away) because we realized that there are usually a group of students who come to play volleyball there on Wednesday nights.

After walking for over an hour we finally made it!!! Only to one. Our student director, Richard, went up to the hotel to call for backup and a van came to pick us up about a half hour later. Ahhh what an adventure.

My friend Nina took this picture at Coastguard. Doesn't it look like a postcard?!

So here we are on a Friday night, staying in (like we always do on Friday nights) playing ping pong after a *hilarious* talent show for activities night. My friend Kyle and I did an acoustic version of the Flaming Lips song "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots". Will put up the slightly embarrassing vid if someone posts it online...haha and yes we had dancing robots acting out the song in the background.

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