Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No Classes on Wednesday!

Did I mention that we dont have classes on Wednesdays? Well, we dont! Like our Saturday community outreach days, we spend Wednesday going to the local primary and high school to teach classes. For the rest of the semester, I am helping teach a 1st grade writing class with two other students, Brady and Ana. We were told not to come this week because the kidos were taking mid-terms (what kind of 1st graders take mid-terms??), so Brady and I decided to go pick up trash at the local b-ball court. We were only there for about an hour but came back with THREE full bags of trash!! Litter is a huge issue here, and although the school has worked in the past to help the situation, it is not getting much better. For a class project, we proposed a semester goal of placing more trash cans throughout the community to reduce litter. : )

After community outreach, we go out to snorkel in the afternoon! Today we went to a place called "Pete's Point" which we had not yet been to.


I cant believe I was looking at that earlier today. We saw a few spotted eagle rays while simultaneously dodging a HUGE barracuda that was keeping its eye on us...ewww they are so creepy!

The only other news I have to report is that last week we found a litter of puppies in a field by the center. They were all pretty small but we noticed that their mother was at least coming by now and then to feed them. There are a lot of stray dogs here, in the Caribbean they call them "Pot Cakes" because they are fed whatever is left caked on to the bottom of the pot. : (

Anyway, there is a shelter on Provo (the main tourist island of TCI) called Potcake Place where dogs can be adopted by people in the US/other countries. We were able to get them to send over a crate for the puppies we found to be delivered to the shelter for adoption! Yesterday our center director drove them over to the airport, but not before they were played with by 34 oooing and awwwwing students at the center.
They really were just soooo cute...ohmygosh

p.s. The one with the tongue sticking out was named "Money" because when some students went to visit the puppies in the field, it pooped a dollar bill. SO FUNNY.

Now it is time for me to study for my exams which are on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Yep. An EXAM on SATURDAY. *Siiiiiiighhhhhh* I know, my life is so terrible...haha


  1. I am afraid its not the number of trash cans that will change the littering problem...rather, it's the educating of the locals to WANT it to be clean!

  2. That is the other part of it! We want to have the kids come by and paint the trashcans bright colors and then help us put them in the places around town with the most litter. We also thought about having a clean up day where we give out prizes for the most trash collected! Hopefully we can get something like that going by the end of the semester : )

  3. the boys and I just got caught up on your blog guess what their fav story is? SO great to see and read about your awesome time. Relish every second!
