Friday, April 22, 2011

My last day of hunting

It has been a long 12 days since I posted my last blog! After many, many hours spent in the shallow ocean banks of Turks and Caicos I have reached my last day of lionfish hunting for directed research. SO SAD! It has been an exhausting few weeks but also completely worth it. After today, we will have all of next week to analyze the data we have gotten in order to write our final paper of the semester. Hopefully I will have something cool to report about our findings in my next post! (here we are being very intense-serious huntresses) Our search for lionfish has taken us all over the island. Our hunt in the mangroves was in shallow waters about 1-3 feet deep. Many of these shallow waters are a breeding ground for upside-down jellyfish (casseopia sp.)...If you think this picture is bad, the location we searched yesterday had about 10 times more jellies in about 1 1/2 feet of water!! I have never been more afraid in the was a MIRACLE that no one got stung because there had to be thousands of them in that tiny bay. YIKES!!!

We have also hunted in 6-7 meter deep water, free diving under huge coral structures to look for lionfish hiding under ledges and in crevices. You get pretty good at holding your breath when you have to swim down 30ft and still have enough time to carefully catch a fish from under a ledge!

We swim for miles along huge expanses of seagrass and soft coral sea fans and seen the strangest and most beautiful marine life along the way. I still cant believe that I swim with turtles, spotted eagle rays, and hundreds of multi-colored parrotfish every day! Having to search the coral so meticulously has led us to see more lobsters, octopi, and eels than I had ever noticed on a regular snorkel. Even the lionfish we are out there hunting is one of the most amazing fish I have ever seen! Here is the boat we use to go hunting...a view from the water at the beginning of out hunt at Tucker's Reef. It was my day to swim with the giant flag/buoy so that boats wont run us over : )

On some of our longer hunting days, we pack a lunch and leave the center for most of the day. We swim for an hour or two, eat lunch on the beach and take a nap in the sun before we head out for more hunting! Ahhh what a hard life. We come back to the center and PASS OUT from all the swimming until dinner. The other students all know the hunters are back when they see us sprawled out, basically unsoncious, next to the pool/any sunny concrete surface. Here my friend Anna and I are having lunch at was pretty stormy that day but still a beautiful view!

Not only have I loved the hunting, I suprisingly really like dissecting part! Weird, right?? We measure the weight and lenght of each fish before we cut the stomach out and see whats inside! YUM! Lionfish are also good to eat and I have somehow become the fillet-er of our daily catch...haha yes, the vegan is filleting the fish she helped to kill. Our knife is reeeeeeaaallly dull and I have to use scissors to scale the fish and a scalple to help start the cutting but I'm getting pretty good! I'd love to try it at home with a real knife and see how I do! This is me about to dissect a tiny lionfish...yes my hair is really that color now. Below are all of our lionfish catches yesterday in russian-doll order!
Of course, as my time in South Caicos is quickly coming to an end, I am getting pretty nostalgic about my experience here. I think I could live here forever and be happy for the rest of my life and I am really scared to leave because I know in all likelihood, I wont be coming back to this island. Even if I do, it will be a VERY different place/experience...At the same time, I have never missed my family and friends so much!!! It is strange, having such intense feelings of being SO excited to come home and SO upset to leave. I don't know whether to be anxious or nervous about my (now) 13 days left on the island! So confusing...For now I guess I will just take every day as it comes and not let a moment of the next two weeks slip by!

Only a few more updates until I can tell you more IN PERSON. WEIRD!!!

1 comment:

  1. A very special semester it has been, for sure. Enjoy those last few days!
